Daily Dharma: Good Morning Fo Guang
大悲懺法會 | Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony
OCT-20 觀音菩薩出家紀念日【大悲懺】法會 Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony

觀世音菩薩出家紀念日 【大悲懺】法會 Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony
Date: October 20, 2024 (SUN), Time: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, 功德項目: 懺主、供齋、供花果

2024 人間學院 秋季班
2024 Fall Courses, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Humanistic College
2024 「渥太華人間學院」秋季班 開始受理報名了! FGS Temple of Ottawa Humanistic College, FALL Courses Registration is now open.

我們至誠歡迎大家一起加入學習的列車,列車要啟動囉!請填寫報名表 或 Email 社教主任王雲雁詢問。

All are welcome! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Please fill out online registration form.
2023 佛光淨土陵園 秋祭法會
Autumn Buddha’s Light Pure Land Memorial Service
渥太華佛光山特於2024年10月19日星期六 舉辦『佛光淨土陵園秋祭法會』,以此功德迴向眾善信徒,增福增慧;歷代宗親蒙佛接引,往生淨土。敬邀大衆參加,同霑法益!

Fo Guang Shan of Ottawa will be hosting the Fo Guang Pure Land Autumn Memorial Service. The merit of the service will be transferred to all, to bring blessings and wisdom, and for our ancestors to be guided to the Pure Land by the Buddha. All are welcome to join the online service.

日期 Date: October 19, 2024(六 SAT)
時間 Time:2:00 PM
地點 Location:佛光淨土陵園現場
3700 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, ON K2C 3H2
April 14 Buddha’s Light Pure Land Garden Workshop
誠邀您參加我們的免費講座。Buddha’s Light Pure Land Memorial Garden Workshop

佛光淨土陵園乃加拿大全國唯一佛教墓園 誠邀您參加我們的免費講座。 共同探討葬禮和墓地規劃 的細節,從而了解如何安排 一個合乎心意的悼念儀式。

詳情請致電佛光山或墓園代表 Contact Info:
FGS of Ottawa: (613) 759-8111
Rexan Wong 黃翠霞 (613) 808-9829

日期 Date: October 27, 2024(日 SUN)
時間 Time:1:30 PM ~ 2:30 PM
地點 Location:
6688 Franktown Rd, Richmond
OR, Zoom ID: TBA
2024 建寺祈福法會《八十八佛洪名寳懺》Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance
Sept. 15 & Oct. 27 Repentance of Paying Respect to Eighty-eight Buddhas

Join us for the Repentance of Paying Respect to Eighty-Eight Buddhas Ceremony. Service begins at 9:30 AM on Sunday, October 27, 2024. All are welcome. 報名參加 Registration

2024 藥師如來聖誕 藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service
2024 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

2024 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service: SAT & SUN, November 02 & 03, 2024. All are welcome. 報名參加 Registration

人間最永恆的那顆星 The Everlasting Star in Humanity
The Everlasting Star in Humanity
Complete Works Ven. Master Hsing Yun
The Complete Works of Ven. Master Hsing Yun

《星雲大師全集》增訂版 共395冊、12大類、4千餘萬字、5萬多條目


助印星雲大師全集增訂版 功德登記表
Donation registration form
Good Morning Fo Guang
2024 蔬食A計劃 Vege Plan A
2024 蔬食A計劃 Vege Plan A

1) 零飢餓 Zero hunger
2) 抑止暖化 Combat climate change
3) 平衡生態 Halt & reverse land degradation & biodiversity loss
4) 保護環境 Sustainable consumption and production
5) 愛護生命 Ethical treatment of animals

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2021~2024 新聞亮點 A complete list of News Highlights