2021年三好微電影得獎作品,歡迎大家欣賞也介紹更多人觀看哦~ Please enjoy 2021 top winning films of Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest
為傳播人間真善美,響應星雲大師提倡「做好事、說好話、存好心」三好運動,發起三好微電影甄選比賽,鼓勵全球各地以短片方式呈顯生命中最善美的故事,一起推動世界的愛與和平。To spread truth, kindness, and beauty of the world in response to the Three Acts of Goodness, “do good deeds, speak good words, and have good thoughts,” as advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The “Three Acts of Goodness Microfilm Contest” aims to inspire talents in different regions to present the most beautiful and kindest stories in life in microfilm format, joining together to promote love and peace in the world.