
2022 年甘露灌頂三皈五戒典禮 Fo Guang Shan Five Precepts and Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony

2022 年甘露灌頂三皈五戒典禮

  1. 宗 旨: 皈依三寶是信佛、學佛的基礎,而受持五戒,奉行十善,則是一切戒的根本。藉由受持三皈五戒,可得三寶的加持,淨化身心,認識自我的清淨本性,找回生命的價值。
  2. 主辦單位: 佛光山寺 | 辦單位: 南北美佛光山各道場
  3. 典禮日期/時間: 2022年5月7日(六) 西岸5:00pm / 東岸8:00pm
  4. 三皈五戒講解: 皈依受戒者請務必參加2022年4月17日(日) 西岸4:00pm / 東岸7:00pm
  5. 三皈五戒典禮彩排: 詳見報到通知單
  6. 報名方式: 請填寫線上報名表 https://bit.ly/36xNyUk
  7. 報名截止: 即日起至2022年4月15日(五)止
  8. 參加方式:
    • 1) 參加皈依者: 線上典禮, 進入ZOOM 會議室參加。典禮前一週提供ZOOM ID、密碼及虛擬背景
    • 2) 參加五戒者: 現場典禮, 到渥太華佛光山道場參加
    • 3) 觀禮人員: 典禮前一週通知
  9. 洽詢方式: 渥太華佛光山 613-914-5118 (知印法師)

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org

2022 Fo Guang Shan Five Precepts and Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony

  1. Objective: Taking refuge in the Triple Gem is the foundation of practicing Buddhism, while receiving the Five Precepts and upholding the Ten Wholesome Deeds are the basics of all precepts. Through upholding the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts, we will receive the blessing of the Triple Gem, purify our body and mind, recognize our pure intrinsic nature, and discover the value of life.
  2. Organizer: Fo Guang Shan Monastery
    Co-organizers: FGS North & South Branch Temples
  3. Date/Time: May 7, 2022(Sat) at 5:00pm PT / 8:00pm ET
  4. Triple Gem Refuge & Five Precepts Information session:
    It’s mandatory for participants to attend the information session on April 17, 2022(Sun) at 4:00pm PT / 7:00pm ET
  5. Ceremony Rehearsal: More information can be found in the registration notice in email.
  6. To register: Please fill out the registration form – https://bit.ly/36xNyUk
  7. Registration Deadline: Until April 15, 2022(Fri)
  8. To participate:
    • 1) Refuge participants: All are to use Zoom Meeting for the ceremony. We will provide Zoom information and virtual background one week before the Ceremony to the Triple Gem refuge participants.
    • 2) Precepts participants: Please attend the ceremony at FGS Temple of Ottawa.
    • 3) Observers: Information will be released one week before the ceremony.
  9. Inquiry: Contact FGS Temple of Ottawa, Tel: 613 -914-5118

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org