
November 02 & 03 藥師如來聖誕 藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

2024 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

藥師如來聖誕 藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

萬人廣修戒定慧 • 千家長明日月燈 ~ 消災延壽常歡慶 •增福進德大地春

欣逢藥師如來聖誕之期,本寺為增進信眾福德,謹定於國曆2024年11月02日至03日,啟建「藥師法會」二永日,燃燈供佛,諷頌《藥師如來本願功德經》及《藥師寶懺》,仰仗藥師琉璃光如來威德護佑,功德回向護法信徒平安吉祥、福慧增長、世界和平。 歡迎十方檀那點燈、禮佛、同沾法益!

  • 法會時間(二日):2024年11月 02 & 03 日 (星期六 & 星期日 全天 9:30AM ~ 5:00PM)
  • 功德項目: 藥師燈、琉璃燈、如意燈、隨喜燈、隨喜祿位、供齋、供花果

To commemorate the Medicine Buddha’s Birthday, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa will hold the Medicine Buddha Dharma Service. The chanting merits will be transferred to all participants, their families, and people, as well as for world peace and harmony.

藥師法會Dharma Service時 間 Time香別内容 Medicine Sutra直播鏈接YouTube
NOV-02 (SAT週六 )9:30 AM【藥師經】& 午供Live broadcast
1:30 PM【藥師經】Live broadcast
2:50 PM【藥師經】Live broadcast
NOV-03 (SUN 週日)9:30 AM【藥師寶懺】上 & 午供Live broadcast
1:30 PM【藥師寶懺】中Live broadcast
2:50 PM【藥師寶懺】下Live broadcast

Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

  • Date: November 02 & 04, 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Time: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • 功德項目: 藥師燈、琉璃燈、如意燈、隨喜燈、隨喜祿位、供齋、供花果

※ 歡迎參加 ※

Join us in person or online (Youtube live broadcast) for Medicine Buddha Dharma Service from 9:30 AM to 4 PM on Saturday & Sunday, November 02 & 03, 2024. All are welcome.

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org