2025 渥太華佛光山 March Break 三好兒童快樂營 開放報名囉!
- 招生對象: 4至12歲
- 上課日期: 三月 12-16 日(周三到周日)
- 上課時間: 上午8:45至下午3:30
- 課程收費: $150 CAD
- 上課方式: 實體教學
- 上課地點: 6688 Franktown Rd, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0
- 三好兒童快樂營報名表
課程特色:2025 渥太華佛光山 March Break 三好兒童快樂營 提供文化教育、德育培養和佛教啟蒙的綜合體驗。
- 唐詩: 欣賞中國古典詩歌的智慧與美感。
- 書法: 練習中國書法藝術,培養耐心和創造力。
- 功夫: 學習武術基礎,增強紀律和體能。
- 茶禪: 體驗茶文化與禪修中的正念與和諧。
- 童軍技能: 通過有趣的活動培養團隊合作、領導力和解決問題的能力。
- 自然科學: 通過實驗和自然探索激發孩子對自然界的好奇心。
- 向孩子介紹佛教核心思想,如慈悲、善良、正念和自律。
The Three Acts of Goodness Children’s March Break Camp – Cultural Classes Enrollment is now open!!!!
- Students age: 4-12 years old
- Date: March 12-16 (Wed- Sun)
- Time: 8:45am – 3:30 pm
- Fee: $150 CAD
- Class method: In-person
- Address: 6688 Franktown Rd, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0
- TAG March Break Camp Registration Form
Course features:
The March Break Camp is offers an enriching experience that combines cultural education, moral development, and an introduction to Buddhism.
Cultural Activities:
- Tang Poetry: Dive into the beauty and wisdom of classical Chinese poetry.
- Calligraphy: Practice the ancient art of Chinese writing to develop patience and creativity.
- Kung Fu: Learn the basics of martial arts, fostering discipline and physical fitness.
- Tea and Zen: Discover the mindfulness and harmony in tea culture and Zen practices.
Moral Education:
- Scouting Skills: Build teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities through fun activities.
- Natural Science: Explore the wonders of the natural world through hands-on experiments.
Buddhism Education:
- Introduce children to the core teachings of Buddhism, such as kindness, compassion, mindfulness, and self-discipline.
付款方式 Payment method
1. 通過銀行電子付費 E-Transfer to donationott@ibps.org
– 在電子付費的短信裡, 註明 Include notes in your payment:
“March Break Camp– first and last name of the student”
2. 支票 Cheque
– 支票抬頭 Cheque Payable: IBPS of Ottawa
– 請郵寄支票至 Mail cheque to:
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
6688 Franktown Road, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0, Canada