2023 年渥太華佛光山清明孝親報恩法會,禮拜《慈悲三昧水懺》
為發揚慎終追遠之孝道精神,渥太華佛光山將於國曆4月2日 星期日,舉行清明孝親報恩法會,禮拜《慈悲三昧水懺》㆒永日,以此殊勝功德,迴向歷代祖先蓮品增㆖,累世冤親,同登佛國。屆時歡迎閤府蒞臨拈香禮佛,同霑法益。
時 間 | 香 別 |
10:00am ~ 11:20am | 慈悲㆔昧水懺 — 卷上 First Roll |
11:40am ~ 12:10pm | 午 供 Noon Offering |
2:00pm ~ 3:10pm | 慈悲㆔昧水懺 — 卷中 Second Roll |
3:30pm ~ 5:00pm | 慈悲㆔昧水懺 — 卷下 Third Roll |
請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org
1. 如果超薦「累劫冤親債主」陽上只能1人名字。
2.「稱謂」 – 亡者和陽上的關係(例如:亡者:張三(父親),陽上:張小弟(兒子),稱謂:父親 )
3. 如果超薦亡者是已婚女眾,請註明「夫姓」。
法會時間:Dharma Service Schedule
- 日期 Date: April 02, 2023 (Sunday)
- 時間 Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- 地點 Location: Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
- 功德項目 Donation: 歷代祖先超薦牌位、親友、師長個人之冤親債主、供齋結缘 | Benefactors, Food Offering flower/fruit Offering
2023 Ancestors Memorial Dharma Service
According to the Chinese tradition, Spring is the time to memorialize ancestors and departed beloved ones. Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa will conduct the Water Repentance Service on April 02, 2023. The participants are blessed by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and the departed beloved ones will gain the merits to be reborn to the pure land. We welcome all to join our Ancestors Memorial Dharma Service in person.
We wish you auspiciousness in life!
Yours in the Dharma,
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org