
Apr 05 – 《清明孝親報恩三時繫念法會》| Online Ancestor Memorial Service

Ancestor Memorial Service

各位護法居士 吉祥,

清明節是慎終追遠、孝親報恩的日子。 渥太華佛光山將於4月5日舉行《清明孝親報恩三時繫念法會》由法師誦經回向,本寺沒有現場直播 


  1. 西來寺《慈悲三昧水懺》直播: 12:00pm-8:00pm (https://www.youtube.com/c/hsilaitemple/live)
  2. 《佛光山2020年清明孝親報恩三時繫念總回向法會》轉播: 1:00pm-6pm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bgbIhaN5tU)


耑此 敬頌
行 道 天 下 福 滿 人 間!

渥太華佛光山 謹啟

Ancestors Memorial Service (Online)
According to the Chinese tradition, Spring is the time to memorialize ancestors and departed beloved ones. The Headquarter of Fo Guang Shan Monastery will conduct the Amitabha Triple Contemplation Service, all Fo Guang Shan worldwide branch temples will join the service through the internet.

Fo Guang Shan Temple will broadcast the Service online on April 5th, from 1:00pm to 6:00pm EST. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bgbIhaN5tU

To ensure the health and safety of our Dharma friends and to prevent the spread of “COVID-19”, we invite you to join our Service at home by going online.