佛光山是一個行人間佛教的菩薩道場,以社會及常住大眾、多元佛教事業為優先,舉凡教育、文化、慈善、醫療等各種利生的事業,都積極參與。歡迎您隨喜贊助我們。涓滴的護持將會匯集成大河,成為我們繼續前進的動力。並秉持著「給人信心、給人歡喜、給人 希望、給人方便」的精神,於佛光山全球資訊網設置安全、便捷的「佛光山線上捐款系統」,俾使廣大信眾能輕鬆種福田,點亮心燈,照亮世間的每一個人。 (📝 下載功德登記表)
Fo Guang Shan (FGS) is a spiritual place for practicing Humanistic Buddhism. It is our commitment and priorities to bring the goodness to society, the monastics, the general public, and the diverse Buddhists. In the Buddhist tradition, the making of an offering allows one to practise giving, to express gratitude and respect, and to reflect upon the life-sustaining law of interdependence. (📝 Download Donation Forms)
1) 網上捐款
- 請勾選 ☑Share my name, ☑email address, ☑donation details.
- 把功德款的 PayPal confirmation 連同填妥的捐款資料 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 (donationott@ibps.org)
- 您的退稅收據將由 PayPal Giving Fund 提供。
2) 郵寄資料及支票
- 支票抬頭: IBPS of Ottawa
- 請郵寄支票至:
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
6688 Franktown Road, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0, Canada - 填妥的捐款資料 功德登記表, 電郵寄至道場 (donationott@ibps.org)
3) 銀行轉款 eTransfer
- 請銀行直接轉款 (eTransfer)至: donationott@ibps.org
- 另外將您的 eTransfer confirmation 連同填妥的捐款資料 功德登記表, 電郵寄至道場 ( donationott@ibps.org)
Method of Payments:
1) PayPal
- Please select ☑ Share my name, ☑email address, and ☑donation details.
- After completing the payment, please email your donation form and PayPal confirmation receipt to donationott@ibps.org
- Your tax receipt will be issued by PayPal Giving Fund.
2) Cheque
- Make a cheque payable to IBPS of Ottawa
- Mail your cheque to:
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
6688 Franktown Road, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0, Canada - Email your donation registration form to donationott@ibps.org
3) eTransfer
- e-transfer to: donationott@ibps.org
- After completing the payment, please Email your donation form and eTransfer reference number to donationott@ibps.org