
渥太華佛光書院 Fo Guang Adult Buddhist Program

2025 Adult Buddhist Program


  1. 開辦宗旨:通過解行並重系統性學習,提升佛教信仰素質,建立正知正見生命觀,為大眾提供進修培福的機會。
  2. 主辦單位:佛光山人間佛教研究院承辦單位:渥太華佛光山
  3. 招生對象:18 歲以上,正知正見,有心學佛進修者。
  4. 招收名額:30 名,額滿為止。
  5. 上課時間:
    • 週六 10:00-16:30 (3/22,3/29, 8/23,10/4)
    • 週日9:30-16:30 (4/27) 法會/讀書會帶領人培訓
    • 週日9:30-19:00(8/17)八關齋戒
    • 週日14:00-16:30 (5/18,5/25)
  6. 上課地點:渥太華佛光山
  7. 教育費:全免
  8. 課程特色:佛法義理,印度佛教、經綸導讀、宗門思想、學佛行儀、禪修指導、法器唱誦、茶禪一味、抄經靜心
  9. 報名方式
    • 日期:即日起,受理報名
    • 佛光書院報名表
    • 報名電話:613-759 8111 聯絡人: 知印法師
    • 報名Email:ott.info@ibps.org

Ottawa Fo Guang Adult Buddhist Program Registration

  1. Purpose: Through a balanced approach of study and practice, this program aims to enhance the quality of Buddhist faith, establish a correct understanding of life, and provide opportunities for personal development and merit cultivation.
  2. Organizer: Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism
    Host: Fo Guang Shan Ottawa
  3. Eligibility: Individuals aged 18 and above with proper understanding and a strong interest in advancing their Buddhist studies.
  4. Enrollment Capacity: 30 participants
  5. Class Schedule:
    • Saturdays: 10:00-16:30 (3/22,3/29, 8/23,10/4)
    • Sundays: 9:30-16:30 (4/27) – Dharma Assembly/Study Group Leader Training
    • Sunday: 9:30-19:00(8/17)– Eight Precepts Retreat
    • Sundays: 14:00-16:30 (5/18,5/25)
  6. Location: Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
  7. Tuition: Free of charge
  8. Course Features: Buddhist teachings and principles, Indian Buddhism, scripture reading, sectarian thoughts, Buddhist etiquette, meditation guidance, chanting and ritual instruments, tea meditation, and calligraphy meditation.
  9. Registration: