
Jan-14-2022 佛光歲末線上聯誼會 Year End Celebration

各位佛光人 大家吉祥 Auspicious Greetings!

農曆新年即將到來,往年大家會回到佛堂圍爐、歡慶農曆新年,但由於疫情,大家兩年無法回歸法身慧命之家,常住甚是掛念。因此渥太華佛光山訂於 1月14日,晚上8點-9點,舉辦「佛光歲末線上聯誼會」,歡迎所有佛光人、佛光之友回家線上團圓,也歡迎邀請您的親朋好友與我們一起聯誼。 Please join us for online BLIA Year End Celebration on Friday, January 14, 2022.

日 期Date:2022/1/14 (週五 Friday)
時 間Time:8pm – 9pm
對 象Who:佛光人及家人、佛光之友 (BLIA friends, family, and members)
服 裝Attire:春節服裝 (Chinese New Year Theme)
進行方式Method:線上(Zoom 會議室)
Meeting ID: 330 685 2087
Passcode: 6688

備註 NOTE:
1.當天我們會錄製「向師父及全球佛光人拜年」的短片,請大家準備春節紅包、春聯、鞭炮、虎年公仔等節慶物品, 為拍攝用。We will record a short celebration video clip. Let’s bring a few Chinese New Year things to the gathering to make the clip fun. E.g. The lucky money red envelopes, New Year decorations for the year of Tiger etc.

  1. 如果條件允許,請家人幫您在活動進行中拍照及錄影(15秒),再回傳給分會長或知印法師。We will love it if you can share with us a 15-sec short video of your participation during the celebration.

祝大家:處世無畏 和平共存 May All Beings Live Without Fear and Coexist in Peace!

渥太華佛光山 謹啟 Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa