
January 4 & 5, 2020 – 臘八粥結緣 | Celebration of Buddha’s Enlightenment Day

Buddha's Enlightenment Day

日期:2020 年 1月 4日
中午 11:00 AM (臘八供眾)
※ 請於 1月 2日 前道場登記領取 (免費提供) ※

日期:2020 年 1月 5日
中午 11:00 AM (臘八供眾)

【緣 起】 釋迦牟尼佛成道之前,曾修苦行六年,日食一餐,形容消瘦,發現執著苦行是無法悟道。當他經過尼連禪河,有位牧女呈獻乳糜,食後體力恢復。他端坐菩提樹下進入甚深禪定,終於悟到【一切眾生皆有佛性】的宇宙真理。那一天為十二月初八,被後人尊稱為佛的【成道日】。為紀念此事,全球佛教徒,效法牧女乳糜供佛的典故,每年於該日以米及果物煮粥供佛,成為【臘八粥】。民間、寺院也以臘八粥供佛饗眾,祈求平安吉祥。

Bodhi Day (Chinese Laba Festival)

The Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (Shakyamuni), experienced enlightenment. The Chinese version of this festival is called Laba (臘八) which means the Eighth Day of the La (or the Twelfth) Month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. It is most often observed in the first half of January, but it may happen on a date between the Winter Solstice (December 22) and the Chinese New Year (between January 22 and February 21).