- 4/22, 1~1:30 PM 懷念星雲大師圖書特展開幕儀式 Opening ceremony of the Exhibition of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Complete Works
- 4/22 ~ 5/31 懷念星雲大師圖書特展 The Exhibition of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Complete Works

人間佛教讀書會講習 Humanistic Buddhism Reading Group Training Workshop
帶領人Instructor: 妙涵法師 Ven. MiaoHan
日期 Date:4/22~23(週六~日)
時間 Time:1~4 PM
線上報名 Online Registration
人間佛教讀書會秉持星雲大師《生活書香化》的理 念,使佛弟子拾起佛教的經典,循序漸進地在佛法中 找到斷惑證真的根本依據,為自己在不同階段的人生 課題,創造終身學習的場域,並從對話反省中激發出 集體創作的智慧,使提昇宗教信仰的生命層次。Read to be a better person. Read to understand reasons. Read to see causes and conditions. Read to understand that very heart.
渥太華佛光山從四月起,每月建寺祈福法會及年度法會保持實體及線上(YouTube)同步外,光明燈消災法會、共修法會和活動將在實體進行,歡迎信眾親臨道場參加,同霑法益。All dharma services are in-person, starting April 1st, 2023. Annual dharma services and monthly Repentance of Eighty-Eight Buddhas Chanting services continue to be offered in-person and broadcast via YouTube.
四月共修法會和社教班課程&活動公告 April Dharma Services, Courses & Events
- APRIL Dharma Services (四月份 法會)
- 4/02 (日 SUN 10 AM) 清明孝親報恩法會 Ancestors Memorial Dharma Service
- 4/09 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 光明燈消災法會 Light Offering Dharma Service 恭誦【普門品】The Universal Gateway of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Sutra Chanting Service
- 4/15 (六 SAT 2 PM) 佛光墓園春祭法會 Spring Fo Guang Pure Land Memorial Service
- 4/16 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 【 金剛經】修持法會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service
- 4/23 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 【 金剛經】修持法會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service
- 4/30 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 建寺祈福法會【八十八佛洪名寶懺】| Repentance of Paying Respect to Eighty-Eight Buddhas Dharma Service
- APRIL Courses & Events (四月份 活動 & 課程)
- 4/09, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 (日 SUN)
- 1:00 PM 三好兒童班 Three Acts of Goodness Children Program
- 2:00 PM 國語佛學班 Mandarin Dharma Class
- 3 PM 佛光童軍 Buddha’s Light Scouts Ottawa
- 4/03, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 (一 MON 8~9:00 PM) 八段錦 Ba Duan Jin Qigong
- 4/05, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26 (三 WED 7:30 PM) 佛光合唱團 Fo Guang Choir Class
- 4/06, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 (四 THR 8~9 PM) 健康舞蹈班 Fitness Dance Class
- 4/14, 4/21, 4/28 (五 FRI 8~9 PM) 瑜珈班-普通話 Mandarin Yoga Class
- 4/08, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 (六 SAT)
- 4:30~5:30PM 佛光法鼓隊 Fo Guang Dharma Drum Program
- 4/22 ~ 5/31 懷念星雲大師圖書特展 Opening Ceremony for the Exhibition of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Complete Works
- 4/22~23 (SAT~SUN 1~4 PM) 人間佛教讀書會講習 Humanistic Buddhism Reading Group Training Workshop
- 4/30 (日 SUN 2 PM) 建寺素食義賣 | Vegetarian food sale for the temple construction fundraising
- 4/30 (日 SUN 4 PM) 美東三好教學分享會
- 4/09, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 (日 SUN)
請把填妥的功德登記表 電郵寄至道場。 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org
三月共修法會和社教班課程&活動公告 March Dharma Services, Courses & Events
- MARCH Dharma Services (三月份 線上法會)
- 3/05 (日 SUN 10 AM) 2023光明燈消災法會 Monthly Light Offering Dharma Service 恭誦【普門品】The Universal Gateway of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Sutra Chanting Service
- 3/4-3/5(台灣)佛光會禪淨獻燈祈福法會
- 3/12 (日 SUN 10 AM) 觀世音菩薩聖誕 大悲懺法會 Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony 千手千眼大悲懺儀軌 The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy
- 3/19 (日 SUN 10 AM)【 金剛經】修持法會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service
- 3/26 (日 SUN 10 AM) 建寺祈福法會 &暨春節平安燈圓燈法會【八十八佛洪名寶懺】| Repentance of Paying Respect to Eighty-Eight Buddhas Dharma Service
- MARCH Courses & Events (三月份 活動 & 課程)
- 3/5 渥太華人間學院開學典禮
- 3/05, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 (日 SUN)
- 1:00 PM 三好兒童班 Three Acts of Goodness Children Program
- 3 PM 佛光童軍 Buddha’s Light Scouts Ottawa
- 3/06, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 (一 MON 8~9:00 PM) 八段錦 Ba Duan Jin Qigong
- 3/1, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22 (三 WED 7:30 PM) 佛光合唱團 Fo Guang Choir Class
- 3/03, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31 (五 FRI 8~9 PM) 瑜珈班-普通話 Mandarin Yoga Class
- 3/26 (日 SUN) 建寺素食義賣 | Vegetarian food sale for the temple construction fundraising
請把填妥的功德登記表 電郵寄至道場。 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org