渥太華佛光山週日實體進行共修法會、光明燈消災法會、和學習活動,歡迎信眾親臨道場參加。另外每月建寺祈福法會及年度法會保持實體及線上(YouTube)同步,歡迎信眾同霑法益。All dharma services are in-person. Annual dharma services and monthly Repentance of Eighty-Eight Buddhas Chanting services continue to be offered in-person and broadcast via YouTube.
部分課程和活動將採用部分現場出席和錄影回放的方式進行,詳細資料請資詢各項課程內容。For selected courses, we continue offering mixed model lessons, with some participants attending in person and some watching the YouTube recording. Please check back for more details. 報名表 Register Now
- NOVEMBER Dharma Services (十一月份 法會)
- 11/03 (日 SUN 9:30 AM~5 PM) 藥師如來聖誕 藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service
- 11/10 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 主題式共修-佛學會考分享會 & 午供、消災及靈前回向 Dharma Study & Sharing + Noon Offering, Blessing & Merit Dedication to the Deceased
- 11/17 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 共修法會 佛說阿彌陀經 Amitabha Sutra Dharma Service
- 11/24 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 建寺祈福法會【八十八佛洪名寶懺】Repentance of Paying Respect to Eighty-Eight
- DECEMBER Dharma Services (十二月份 法會)
- 12/01 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 2024 佛光會 年度會員大會 2024 BLIA of Ottawa Annual Meeting
- 12/08 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 光明燈消災法會【普門品】The Universal Gateway of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Sutra Chanting Service
- 12/13~ 12/15 (五~日 FRI~SUN 9:30 AM ~ 5 PM) 彌陀法會·念佛三永日 Annual Amitabha Buddha Chanting Retreat
- 12/22 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 念佛共修法會 Sunday Dharma Service
- 12/29 (日 SUN 9:30 AM) 建寺祈福法會【八十八佛洪名寶懺】Repentance of Paying Respect to Eighty-Eight Buddhas Dharma Service
請把填妥的功德登記表 電郵寄至道場。 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org
- November & December Events & Courses ( 十一、十二月份 活動 & 課程)
- 11/10 (日 SUN 1:30~4 PM) 分會幹部聯合改選/理事幹部聯席會議 BLIA Board Member Election
- 11/17 依空法師佛學講座-認識觀世音善薩 Buddhist Lecture by Venerable Yi Kong-Get to know Guanyin (Avalokitasvara) Bodhisattva
- 12/01 (日 SUN 2~4 PM) 會員大會 Ottawa BLIA Member Year-end Meeting
- 12/30 (六 SAT) 除舊迎新大掃除 Yearend Cleaning to Welcome the New Year
- 2024「渥太華人間學院」秋季班 Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Humanistic College FALL Course
- 7:30-9:30 pm 週一 Mon: 舞蹈班, 中法雙語 Dance Class (Mandarin/French)
- 7:30-9:00 pm 週三 Wed: 佛光合唱團, 中文 Fo Guang Choir (Mandarin)
- 8:00-9:00 pm 週四 Thur: 成人中文班, 中英雙語 Adult Chinese Class (Mandarin/English)
- 8:00-9:00 pm 週五 Fri: 瑜珈班, 中文 Yoga Class (Mandarin)
- 週六 Saturday
- 9:00-10:00 am 週六 Sat: 襌修佛學班, 英文 English Meditation Dharma Class
- 10:30-11:30 am 週六 Sat: 烹飪班, 中英雙語 Vegetarian Cooking Class (Mandarin/English)
- 2:00-3:00 pm 週六 Sat: 三好兒童班, 中英雙語 Three Acts of Goodness Children Class (Mandarin/English)
- 3:15-4:15 pm 週六 Sat: 佛光童軍團, 中英雙語 Buddha’s Light Scouts Ottawa (Mandarin/English)
- 4:30-5:30 pm 週六 Sat: 佛光法鼓二隊, 中英雙語 Buddha’s Light Dharma Drum Class (Mandarin/English)
- 1:00-1:50 pm 週日 Sun: 長青3C班, 中英雙語 Evergreen 3C Class (Mandarin/English)
請把填妥的功德登記表 電郵寄至道場。 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org
線上經書下載 Chanting Liturgy
- 佛說阿彌陀經 Amitabha Sutra
- 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 Universal Gateway of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Sutra
- 佛說父母恩重難報經 The Difficulty of Repaying the Profound Kindness of Parents Sutra
- 金剛般若波羅蜜經 Diamond Prajnaparamita Sutra
- 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 Medicine Buddha Sutra
- 八十八佛洪名寶懺 Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Liturgy
- 千手千眼大悲懺儀軌 The Great Compassion Repentance Liturgy