秉持 佛光山開山 星雲大師「人間佛教」的理念,渥太華佛光山於一九九五年成立國際佛光會渥太華協會,隨著各種法會、弘法活動之推展,信眾人數遞增,道場開支亦日益增加,如水電瓦斯、文教、急難救濟等,其中尤以文化教育、慈善公益、三餐飲食之款項最為龐大。因此,信徒深感有成立「渥太華佛光山護法委員」之需要;期盼竭己之所能,護持道場,俾使佛教興隆,信眾受益。功德不僅惠及眷屬,也為自己播種智慧種子。
- 欲成為本寺護法委員,每月固定捐款或每年捐款發心護持本寺。
- 請於渥太華佛光山 或 網站填寫「護法委員入會登記表」。
- 每次繳費時,請登記新參加或續繳,以便記錄繳款明細。
- 例如: 可發願每月省下$10 或以上做布施功德,以 1 年為一期。期滿後可再繼續護持。
- 將您的芳名顯揚在五觀堂功德芳名榜上,每日早晚課誦經文回向。
- 凡本寺年度大型法會時,於佛前宣讀文疏功德回向。
- 護法委員家中婚喪喜慶,可享本寺之協助與服務。
請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org
The Origin of Temple Sponsorship Program
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa was inaugurated in 1995. Over the past years, through various chanting ceremonies, Buddhism propagation activities and programs, our number of devotees have grown tremendously. Nevertheless, the Temple expenditure has also grown considerably. Among all of the expenses, a large amount of expenditure is directed towards cultural and educational programs and activities, charity funds, and the sufficient supply of daily meals intake.
Consequently, devotees established the Sponsorship Program and formed the committee to support Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa with their own ability, resources, and effort with the hope to flourish Buddhism and benefit the multitude of devotees.
We welcome our Dharma friends and devotees to participate in the Sponsorship Program.
Merit Transference:
- Your name will be displayed in the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Sponsorship Board.
- Merit transference at all the temple’s major Dharma functions.
- Assistance and service for occasions such as family weddings and funerals of all Dharma Protector Committee Members.
請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org