
建寺功德 Temple Construction Fundraising

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Future Temple of Fo Guang Shan Ottawa

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佛光山開山星雲大師將㆟間佛教帶到加拿大,第㆒次的弘法因緣便是在國都渥太華。近㆔十年來,在僧信㆓眾的努力耕耘㆘,於 2019 年獲佛光山總本山核准興建渥太華佛光山。分㆔期進行的新道場工程將依循大師建寺的㆕個理想「傳統與現代結合,僧眾與信眾共有,修持與慧解並重,佛教與藝文合㆒」為藍圖來興建。誠意敬邀有緣大眾,以「十方來十方去,共成十方事;萬㆟施萬㆟捨,同結萬㆟緣」之精神,隨喜佈施廣植福德,共同成就佛光普照、法水長流的㆟間淨土。

Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, brought Humanistic Buddhism to Canada, with the first opportunity for Dharma propagation occurring in the nation’s capital, Ottawa. Over nearly three decades, through the dedicated efforts of both monastics and laypeople, the construction of Ottawa Fo Guang Shan was officially approved by the Fo Guang Shan headquarters in 2019. The new temple construction will proceed in three phases, guided by the four guiding principles established by the Master: integrating tradition with modernity, fostering a shared community between monastics and laypeople, balancing cultivation with wisdom, and uniting Buddhism with the arts. We sincerely invite everyone to contribute and support this endeavor, embodying the spirit of “Ten directions come, ten directions go; together, we accomplish the work of ten directions. Thousands give, thousands share; together, we build bonds with countless thousands.” Let us collectively create a pureland on earth where Buddha’s light shines and the Dharma flows endlessly.

十方來 十方去 共成十方事 ✥ 萬人施 萬人捨 同結萬人緣

渥太華佛光山建寺功德登記表 New Temple Donation Registration

佛光山以文化教育弘揚佛法,新道場建成後,我們將有更大的空間舉辦佛事活動,也會有更多更好的資源開展與中華文化和社會相關的活動,讓我們的社會更加和諧美好!我們今生有幸遇此盛事,實為累劫修來的好因緣, 歡迎您共襄盛舉,讚助渥太華佛光山建寺。

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org

每月建寺祈福法會《八十八佛洪名寳懺》| Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony for Ottawa Fo Guang Shan Temple Construction Fundraising

渥太華佛光山於每月最後一個星期日 早上9:30點,舉行「建寺祈福法會」,禮拜《八十八洪名寶懺》。屆時虔備香花燈果,供養十方諸佛菩薩,願禮懺功德回向疫情早日遠離,普羅大眾平安吉祥。當天將以 Youtube 視訊直播,法師於佛前誦經祈福並宣讀文疏功德回向,屆時誠邀大眾連線,共襄盛舉、同霑法益。 法會功德:會主、壇主、懺主、隨喜、打齋、供花果 (請提早填寫表格報名參加)

建寺祈福法會《八十八佛洪名寳懺》& 建寺功德登記表 Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony Registration




Join us online (Youtube live broadcast) for the Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony at 10 AM on the last Sunday of each month. All are welcome.

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org