具體日期安排,請查詢渥太華佛光山網站:ibpsottawa.org 或來電(613 759-8111)詢問。 不便之處,懇請見諒。
渥太華佛光山 謹啟
Dear friends,
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, we are temporarily closed until further notice.
All Dharma Services(including Sunday Service and Qing-ming Dharma Service etc.)and classes will be conducted online.
IBPS Ottawa YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQD-6z95O1N_y_Kb3WuLGw
For more information, please check back on our website or call 613 759-8111.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa