Past Event佛光活動

【百萬遍唸佛】修持活動 Million Buddha Chanting Campaign

Million Chanting Banner

 面對疫情持續升溫,渥太華佛光山秉持佛門慈悲為懷的精神,發起「百萬遍念佛」修持活動,為社會大眾祈福祝禱。每個人的一念善心,可以淨化世間,改變社會。 歡迎填寫修持記錄: https://forms.gle/nc9tyQb9pS7xmpfW8


Due to the continuous spread of COVID-19, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa has launched the Million Buddha Chanting campaign, inviting devotees to chant daily and transfer the merits to resolve this Pandemic. Kindly fill out the form to record your daily chanting: https://forms.gle/nc9tyQb9pS7xmpfW8

million Chanting Poster