
May 12 佛光山開山58週年~北美同步抄經修持 FGS 58th Anniversary, North America Sutra Transcription Event

May 12, 2024 Annual Sutra Transcription Event


🎞️ 佛光山開山58週年~北美同步抄經修持 回向世界平安 宣傳短片: https://youtu.be/D8IYZ7YCj9A

日期:5/12 (日)
時間:2:00 PM


  1. 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 (三稱)
  2. 開經偈
    無上甚深微妙法 百千萬劫難遭遇
    我今見聞得受持 願解如來真實義
  3. 誦讀心經
  4. 開始抄寫心經一部 (心經下載)
  5. 三皈依
  6. 回向
    慈悲喜捨遍法界 惜福結緣利人天
    禪淨戒行平等忍 慚愧感恩大願心

⭐ To celebrate Fo Guang Shan 58th Anniversary, we invite you to join the Global Buddha’s Light Simultaneous Sutra Transcription dharma practice at 2 PM on Sunday, May 12, 2024. We will transcribe the Heart Sutra at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa.

We welcome everyone join us to celebrate the 58th Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan and pray for peace and harmony in the world.

Sutra Transcription Procedure


(1) Dharma Talk by Venerable Master Hsing Yun
(2) Sutra Transcription Procedure:

  1. Namo Sakyamuni Buddha (recite 3 times)
  2. Sutra Opening Gatha
    The unexcelled, most profound, and exquisitely wondrous Dharma,
    Is difficult to encounter throughout hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas
    Since we are now able to see, hear, receive and retain it,
    May we comprehend the true meaning of the Tathagata.
  3. Heart Sutra
  4. Transcription of the Heart Sutra
  5. Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem
    I, take refuge in the Buddha , wishing that all sentient beings understand the Dharma and make the supreme vow.
    I, take refuge in the Dharma, wishing that all sentient beings study the sutra diligently, obtain an ocean of wisdom.
    I, take refuge in the Sangha, wishing that all sentient beings lead the masses in harmony, without obstruction.
  6. Recitation of “A Prayer for the People Who Transcribe Sutras and Hear the Dharma” 
  7. Dharma Talk by Head Abbot of Fo Guang Shan, Most Venerable Hsin Bao
  8. Dedication of Merits
    May kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity pervade all worlds;
    May we cherish and build affinities to benefit all beings;
    May Chan, Pure Land and Precepts inspire equality and patience;
    May our humility and gratitude give rise to great vows.

(3) Completion of Sutra Transcription: Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra available online

🎞️ Watch Buddhist Practice – Sutra Transcription, A Simple Guide video: https://youtu.be/jppmsBKRbt4