
2023年 July-August 渥太華佛光山供僧道糧勸募通啟 Dedication of Merits Dharma Service for the Offering to the Sangha

Sangha Day


佛光山寺自開山以來,由於諸位護法檀那發心護持,本寺僧眾得以 安心辦道,弘法利生;護持之德,誠乃功德無量!

一年一度的僧寶節將屆,為使信眾能在此殊勝的節日,廣植福德, 故發起勸募道糧,護持僧團。經云:「所謂布施者,必獲其利益」,仗此殊勝功德,上報四重恩,下濟三塗苦。

星雲大師對供僧的詮釋是: 一、供僧是供養全年,不只是供養一天。 二、供僧是供養十方,不只是供養一人。 三、供僧是供養未來,不只是供養現在。 四、供僧是供養學道,不只是供養熱鬧。   大師表示,農曆七月是僧信孝親報恩的孝道月,是供僧道糧的功德月,是祈福修善的吉祥月,也是培植福慧的福田月、報恩月、僧伽月。

為感謝諸位護法道糧供僧,本寺謹定孝道月(農曆7月)每日晚課, 諷誦《地藏經》一卷,功德利益回向檀那。

渥太華佛光山 謹啟

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org

Dedication of Merits Dharma Service for the Offering to the Sangha & Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra chanting

The annual Sangha Day is approaching. According to the Buddhist tradition, one may cultivate tremendous merits by making offerings to the Sangha, and practice filial piety by dedicating the merits to their parents and ancestors, and to all the sentient beings. We invite you to make offerings to the Triple Gem and to support the monastery by making annual offerings to the monastic community. 

During the entire seventh lunar month (from July to August 2023) the monastics will lead devotees to chant the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra every day and transfer all merits to the devotees and benefactors’ parents, ancestors, and loved ones. May the Triple Gem bless you and your family!

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa

請把填妥的 功德登記表 電郵寄至道場 Please email the donation form to donationott@ibps.org