Past Event

June 03 – 佛光三好園遊會 | Vegetarian Food Fair of Three Acts of Goodness

渥太華佛光山 和 國際佛光會渥太華協會 舉辦 佛光三好園遊會,提倡星雲大師的人間佛教「三好運動」,要大家「做好事、說好話、存好心」

Vegetarian Food Fair for Three Acts of Goodness:
Do Good Deeds. Speak Good Words. Think Good Thoughts. |
Speaking good words is saying what is true; doing good deeds is doing what is virtuous; thinking good thoughts is having a beautiful heart.

日期 Date: June 03, 2018 (星期日)
時間 Time: 10 AM – 3 PM (Sunday)
地點 Location: 渥太華佛光山道場 |1950 Scott St. Ottawa, ON  K1Z 8L8